Five Keys To Healthy Internal Communication

1) You get what you focus on
There are only three things that we truly have control over: the things we say to ourselves, the pictures we visualize in our head, and the action we take. In the first key, I will outline the foundational principle of looking where we want to go and asking ourselves what we want, rather than what we don’t want, and the role this has as a crucial point of internal focus for a happy, healthy mindset.

2) Ask a better question and you’ll get a better answer
The second key focuses on the power the questions we ask ourselves have at governing our approach to problem solving, emotional satisfaction, personal interaction (outward communication), success, and emotional well-being.

3) Reframing your outlook
So much of our approach in life is framed by our past representations, and often our pre-framing of an event, circumstance or condition in our lives can distort our outlook. This key looks at alternative ways we can use to see our challenges and overcome our limitations.

4) Adjusting the habits that form you
Over 95% of everything we do is dictated by our habits. But, these habits are created by our subconscious patterns, due to conscious commands. Many of us exhibit habitual behaviors that prevent us from realizing our potential or compromise our emotional and physical health.

5) Change your mind-change your body/ Change your body and you will change your mind!
Research has determined that our mind and body communicate as one, our emotional state is affected by our physical state, and in turn our physical state affects our emotional state of well-being. This final key component focuses on how influential the simplest change in our body language can be at directing our internal and external communication and controlling our outcome, and just how to make that change in a instant.